You will find a road map to 30 years of commercial and academic research as we build this website for you.

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You will gain insight from 10 years of research informed teaching as we build this website for you. Find our latest activity in teaching and learning here.

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Engineering is not just concerned with applied science for problem solving. It is also a key enabler of modern enterprise.

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If you are an engineer or a scientist who has wondered what the buzz about Systems Engineering is; you have come to the right place.

There are established professional organizations for Systems Engineering which are intended for practicing systems engineers. This website will be an open source for you to learn and put into practice the essential concepts of Systems Architecture and Engineering for practical problem solving and developing solutions for your enterprise, whether large, small or just your individual interests and aspirations.

We are building this open source website for you; and appreciate your patience as we add to it every day. The world is becoming more complex. Technologies alone will not solve complex problems. Essential Systems Architecture and Engineering are also needed.